The Sterring Committee
The Steering Committee (CP, Comité de Pilotage) is composed of the directors of the scientific labs (or their representative), but also of the Managers of the concerned Executive Sections of the MNHN (Research, Expertise and Valorisation; Teaching and Training; Doctoral School; Master; Collections) and of the three scientific INEE Assistant Managers in charge of the scientific domains concerned by BCDiv. The Directors of the scientific MNHN Departments and the other Managers of the MNHN and the scientific and administrative representative of the other institutional partners of BCDiv (namely ANR and IdEx) are permanent guests. The CP is Presided by the Director of BCDiv and the two annual meetings (January and June) are prepared by a its executive office. The CP is mostly in charge of steering and monitoring the project, of managing the budget, of the executive decisions and of the relationships with the external partners. It met 7 times between 2011 and 2014.