Séminaire phylogénie des communautés
Benjamin Yguel, actuellement postdoc du labex BCDiv à MECADEV, en collaboration avec le CESCO, présentera le séminaire suivant le vendredi 8 avril à 11h à l’auditorium du 7ième étage du bâtiment A à Jussieu.
Le résumé et les slides sont en anglais mais la présentation sera en français.
Use of Community phylogenies
Phylogenetic information has been increasingly used in community ecology since the year 2000. In fact local communities harbor ultimately evolutionary history, reflecting maintenance of different mixture of lineage and this information may be used i.e. to question (i) how local coexistence may control macroevolution of the habitat lineage-pool, and (ii) how macroevolution within the habitat lineage-pool may control local coexistence/ecological function of differently related species). In the first part, I will present one study of my phd thesis performed in Rennes 1 university about how phylogenetic structure of plants community may change plants interaction and the possible implication for evolutionary diversification. In the second part, I will present one theoretical study realized in the synthesis center iDiv Leipzig, on the design of a new phylogenetic measurement and tested to predict productivity of experimental plant communities. Finally, I will present my current work as post-doctoral researcher at the National Natural History Museum of Paris, in the unit team MECADEV-CESCO. I am currently working on the effect of logging on seed dispersal in tropical forest and how this practice might impact phylogenetic structure of forest.